School Enrollment

Impor­tant Enroll­ment Information

Because our Fair con­tin­ues to grow and change, this year we will not be requir­ing an ACR. Please read the Site Coor­di­na­tor 101 below to take stock of some of the changes for the 74th Annu­al Los Ange­les Coun­ty Sci­ence & Engi­neer­ing Fair.

Site Coor­di­na­tor Responsibilities

To be a Site Coor­di­na­tor, you must be an adult des­ig­nat­ed by the school, site, or dis­trict admin­is­tra­tor, or a lab researcher at a spon­sor­ing insti­tu­tion. When you enroll your site online, you will have to include your posi­tion at your site.

In the Fall, the Site Coor­di­na­tor needs to:

  • Go through the entire Pow­er­Point and com­plete the Google Form.
  • Log in to our online reg­is­tra­tion site and cre­ate a new account. (opens August 14, 2023 and clos­es Jan­u­ary 22, 2024)
  • Enter school and con­tact infor­ma­tion in the online reg­is­tra­tion site.
  • Make sure the enroll­ment fee has been paid or com­plete a form for a fee waiver
  • Become famil­iar with the Rules and Reg­u­la­tions includ­ing what types of projects require pre-approval
  • Over­see stu­dent research and experimentation

In the Spring, the Site Coor­di­na­tor needs to:

  • Deter­mine the projects that will rep­re­sent the site at the 74th Annu­al Los Ange­les Coun­ty Sci­ence & Engi­neer­ing Fair
  • Com­mu­ni­cate online student/project reg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dures to students
  • Approve online the projects and stu­dents that will par­tic­i­pate in the Fair
  • Recruit vol­un­teers and/or judges to help at the Fair

3 Steps for School Enrollment

  1. View/download the Site Coor­di­na­tor 101 pre­sen­ta­tion and com­plete the form.
  2. Once all infor­ma­tion is online, down­load the School Enroll­ment Fee /Waiv­er Form and mail in with payment.
  3. Wait for an email from our sys­tem that con­tains your pass­word; use this pass­word to log in to our online reg­is­tra­tion sys­tem at; enter infor­ma­tion into the fields.

Mon­i­tor­ing Your DashBoard

Once you are reg­is­tered for the fair, Site Coor­di­na­tors and teach­ers should be keep­ing track of the sta­tus of stu­dent submissions.

You can see:

  • what has been submitted,
  • what is await­ing ver­i­fi­ca­tion from supervisors,
  • what has been denied and pend­ing resub­mis­sion,
  • and what has been denied a sec­ond time

You can go into the stu­dent sub­mis­sions to see what needs to be fixed so you can advise the student.

This helps pre­vent projects that are denied by LACSEF because stu­dents did not fix their proposals.

Site Coor­di­na­tor 101 (View/download PDF)

School Enroll­ment Form

School Enroll­ment Fee Waiv­er Form (View/download PDF)