Understanding SRC results

As the SRC fin­ish­es review­ing projects, here’s some infor­ma­tion to help you under­stand what the online reg­is­tra­tion sys­tem is “telling” you about the sta­tus of your pro­pos­al. (See SRC slideshow here).

Stu­dents: You can log into the sys­tem to see the sta­tus of your project at any time.  Please make sure you check the sys­tem after Sep­tem­ber 18, 2023 (if not soon­er) to know whether you can begin exper­i­men­ta­tion or if you need to fix and re-sub­mit your proposal.

Site Coor­di­na­tors: You can log into the sys­tem and click on “Pre-Approval Forms” to see the sta­tus of all of your stu­dents’ projects.  Make sure all the ver­i­fi­ca­tions for each student’s project have been com­plet­ed. All sub­mis­sions are eval­u­at­ed by at least two review­ers. After the first review­er has either accept­ed the pro­pos­al OR rec­om­mend­ed cor­rec­tions, the project is auto­mat­i­cal­ly sent to a sec­ond reviewer.

Once you go online (app.lascifair.org), here are the dif­fer­ent things you might see:

Await­ing Ver­i­fi­ca­tion – this means that 1 or more of the list­ed adults have not ver­i­fied their role online.  Ask that per­son to check their email and spam fold­er for an email from noreply@lascifair.org.  If you know that an adult had a link that was no longer active or nev­er received one, please email president@lascifair.org direct­ly and we will man­u­al­ly send out the link.

Await­ing Lev­el 1 Review – this means that the ver­i­fi­ca­tions are com­plete and that the project is wait­ing for one of the SRC mem­bers to review it.

Lev­el 1 Rec­om­mend­ed Revi­sion – this means the 1st SRC mem­ber to review the project did not approve of it for some rea­son.  The project is auto­mat­i­cal­ly sent to a 2nd reviewer.

Lev­el 1 Rec­om­mend­ed Accep­tance – this means the 1st SRC mem­ber to review the project approved of it.  The project is auto­mat­i­cal­ly sent to a 2nd reviewer.

Await­ing Lev­el 2 Review – this means the 1st review­er has either rec­om­mend­ed accep­tance or revi­sion and the project is wait­ing for a 2nd reviewer.

Once a 2nd review­er reads the pro­pos­al, he or she can approve of it, not approve of it, or rec­om­mend a 3rd per­son looks it over.

If the 2nd read­er does not approve of it, the sys­tem will show “Needs Revi­sion”.  The stu­dent will need to make the nec­es­sary changes and re-sub­mit the project by the post­ed dead­line.  Stu­dents have ONE oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-sub­mit.  Please make sure you view your pro­pos­al and read ALL com­ments from BOTH review­ers and make ALL nec­es­sary cor­rec­tions before you re-submit. 

If the 2nd read­er approves of the pro­pos­al, the sys­tem will show “Accept­ed”.  The stu­dent may begin experimentation.

Await­ing Lev­el 3 Review – If the 2nd read­er would like the project to be reviewed by a 3rd per­son, the project will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be sent to the Lev­el 3 review­er, who can either accept or not approve.  Their deci­sion is FINAL. The sys­tem will then show “Needs Revi­sion” or “Accept­ed.”

RESUBMISSION: If the sys­tem shows “Needs Revi­sion,” the stu­dent may not begin exper­i­men­ta­tion if he or she plans to enter the project in the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing Fair.  The stu­dent then has ONE oppor­tu­ni­ty to fix the issues and re-sub­mit the project.  The Site Coor­di­na­tor and Stu­dent will be noti­fied by email of either project approval or the need to re-sub­mit.Once resub­mit­ted, the pro­ce­dure is the same as above. If the resub­mis­sion is accept­able, the sys­tem will show “Accept­ed” and the stu­dent may begin their experimentation.

CHANGING THE PROCEDURE AFTER PROJECT APPROVAL: Once a project has been approved, the “edit project” func­tion will be dis­abled. If a stu­dent needs to make some changes lat­er to the project, they should email changes with an expla­na­tion to pre-approval@lascifair.org.