Projects involving Cells/Tissue Lines

DEFINITION: Human or non-human tis­sue sam­ples are defined as fresh tis­sue, organs, human or ani­mal parts, blood, blood prod­ucts (includ­ing Blood Agar), teeth, cell(s) and estab­lished cell lines and tis­sue cul­tures, DNA source mate­r­i­al and body flu­ids (i.e., sali­va, tears, urine.)

ALL projects involv­ing research with tissue/cell lines must be pre-approved by the LA Coun­ty Sci­ence Review Com­mit­tee (SRC) before exper­i­men­ta­tion is begun.


Plant tis­sue, cut hair sam­ples, tis­sue sam­ples, etc. obtained from com­mer­cial busi­ness­es, food stores, restau­rants, pack­ing­hous­es or sci­ence sup­ply com­pa­nies DO NOT need pre-approval.

Pro­hib­it­ed Research

Stu­dents may not col­lect blood or tis­sue from liv­ing human or ver­te­brate ani­mals. Cal­i­for­nia law only allows med­ical doc­tors, reg­is­tered nurs­es or licensed phle­botomists (lab tech­ni­cians) to col­lect blood from a vein or artery. Ani­mals may not be sac­ri­ficed sole­ly to obtain tis­sue samples.

Safe­ty Precautions

  1. All projects must con­form to the CA Edu­ca­tion Code Title 2, Divi­sion 2, Part 28, Chap­ter 4, Arti­cle 5, 51540.
  2. Stu­dents may con­duct research on human blood, blood prod­ucts or oth­er body flu­ids only if tis­sues are han­dled in accor­dance with stan­dards and guide­lines set forth in the OSHA Lab­o­ra­to­ry Safe­ty Guid­ance book­let under the super­vi­sion of a qual­i­fied scientist.
  3. All bod­i­ly flu­ids shall be treat­ed in the same man­ner as path­o­gen­ic or poten­tial­ly path­o­gen­ic agents as defined in Biosafe­ty in Micro­bi­o­log­i­cal and Bio­med­ical Lab­o­ra­to­ries (BMBL), pub­lished by CDC-NIH.
  4. Any project involv­ing human or non-human tis­sue sam­ples shall have a Research Plan that includes the objec­tives and goals for the project and a list of the tis­sues, organs or parts involved in the exper­i­ment. The Research Plan shall describe ful­ly the meth­ods and tech­niques involved in the project includ­ing the pro­cure­ment and dis­po­si­tion of all pro­posed tis­sue sam­ples. The Research Plan shall also include the source for the tis­sue sam­ples, genus, species and com­mon name. The Research Plan shall indi­cate the date of sam­ple acqui­si­tion and be cer­ti­fied by the per­son pro­vid­ing the tis­sue sam­ple that the stu­dent was not involved in the direct acqui­si­tion of the sam­ples from liv­ing human or ver­te­brate animals.
  5. Human blood and blood prod­ucts (includ­ing Stu­dent Researcher’s own blood) must be doc­u­ment­ed by a research insti­tu­tion or cer­ti­fied blood test as free of Acquired Immune Defi­cien­cy Syn­drome (AIDS) and Hepati­tis anti­bod­ies and anti­gens pri­or to the stu­dent receiv­ing the tis­sue. Teeth shall be ster­il­ized and cer­ti­fied free of blood and blood prod­ucts.
  6. When live or pre­served tis­sue sam­ples or parts of human or ver­te­brate ani­mals are obtained by the stu­dent from an insti­tu­tion or Bio­med­ical Sci­en­tist, an email will be sent via the LACSEF sys­tem to the Bio­med­ical Sci­en­tist for ver­i­fi­ca­tion. Pre-approval process WILL NOT BEGIN until the sci­en­tist has ver­i­fied and approved the stu­den­t’s sub­mis­sion. Stu­dent researchers who col­lect spec­i­mens of body flu­ids from human sub­jects are also required to fill out a Writ­ten Con­sent Form (includ­ed as part of the cells/tissue pre approval form.)

Please see the Tis­sues /Cells Webi­nar for more infor­ma­tion regard­ing projects involv­ing Tis­sues and/or Cell Lines.

Below are the resources need­ed for Research involv­ing Tis­sues / Cells:

  • Tis­sues / Cells Online Pre-Approval tem­plate (This is a fil­l­able PDF. Please down­load this doc­u­ment to your device and enter your respons­es in the giv­en box­es. You do not need to com­plete the form in one sit­ting. Choose Save to save your progress. Once you com­plete the form, get it approved by your adult super­vi­sor and site coor­di­na­tor BEFORE you go online to com­plete the online pre-approval form. You can then copy and paste your respons­es in the appro­pri­ate sec­tions of the online form.)

In addi­tion, Senior Divi­sion stu­dents need to com­plete the ISEF Human Informed Con­sent form and bring them to the fair.